is turning from blue to brown and damp

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the medical marathon

this whole journey is like a race.

In the beginning, when everyone was at the starting line, we were all excited and ready to run the race. Everybody thinks that they are the best and has the stamina.

The beginning of the journey was tough. Struggling with every single new word and phrase. But it got easier with time. Slowly, we started building momentum and sometimes even get a high from the new experiences and knowledge. Sometimes, the going gets tough and we wonder why we're doing this. But everyday we are getting nearer to the finish line, each step is a constant struggle, but step by step, we'll get there.

Some will drop out because of the hard work, some will drop out because of injury. But most of us will hang on because we're in the middle already.
Just because.

It is nearing the end of the race. After a long hard fight, the finish line is almost here. Now is the time for the final sprint. Those we trained hard previously will be able to last till the end, those who didn't will still reach there, but with lots of hard work and perseverance.

It doesn't matter if we finish first or last. As long as we crossed the finish line, no matter how long we take, as long as we get there.

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